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Broadcast Products / Computer / DELL PE R710



PowerEdge R710
Great replacement for the 2950! With the latest Xeon Processor, 125% More Memory capacity and Energy Star Certified
Increased Virtualization Performance
The PowerEdge R710 is designed with 125% more memory capacity and more integrated I/O than the previous generation PowerEdge 2950 III. This increased capacity is crucial for virtualization performance and scalability. The R710 allows for quick virtualization deployment with embedded hypervisors from leading vendors via an SD card or internal USB.

Intel®  VT FlexMigration integrates multiple generations of Intel®  Xeon®  processor-based servers, improving flexibility and investment protection.

New DDR3 memory offers higher bandwidth and lower power consumption than previous FBD or DDR2 technologies. Increased memory slots allows you to use smaller, less expensive DIMMs to meet computing needs and balance cost.

  • DELL PE R710
    • Energy Efficient Design
      The PowerEdge R710 features Energy SmartTM  technologies that are designed to reduce power consumption while increasing performance capacity. Energy efficient design features include efficient power supply units right-sized for system requirements, innovative system-level design efficiency, policy-driven power and thermal management and highly efficient standards-based Energy Smart components. All these elements are designed to increase energy efficiency across our latest core data center servers while delivering the performance your business requires.