Over this module it would be possible to generate the RSS feeds and the mp3 files of the broadcasts. the generation is fully automatic and controlled by trigger in the scheduler.
The Kit is able to export in any format the audio files.
Associated feeds are also generated , the template of the feed is customized so that you will be able to generate in RSS , HTML, ATOM… format.
The PODCAST can be cutted in several sequences so that some part of the PODCAST can be cutted.
On the basic configuration up to 8 podcast can be feeded, in each podcast up to 8 sequences can be triggered.
To describe the PODCAST each trigger can have a name who will be used as PODCAST Name. Each Sequence also could be named.
The audio file generated together with the podcast or with the sequence can be stored in any quality (customer choose).
The recording is not done on a RERECORDING when pressed a trigger but is done on a 24/24 hour recording where the PODCAST is extracted. So it will be easily possible to change the start/end point of the audio file if something interesting happens before or after the trigger point.
The format of the XMl file uploaded together with the mp3 files is designed in XMl template. so each Radio station is able to preset the format like they want. No specific fine tuning is needed anymore from us.