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Playout Stats

DB stat

all on air action are logged in the database. So from this statistical table, the legal export can be generated. Separation in different category can be done to have specific list for music, commercial,...

  • DB stat
    • DBStats

      DBStats connects to several SENDSYNCHRO Server ports and listens to CART and SEND ONAIR broadcast information.

      Each time a title starts on air its broadcast date is changed in the database.
      Each time a title stops an entry is added to the statistic database with the information when a title was started and stopped.- if its category is selected in the Settings
  • DB stat
    • ZenonStats

      ZenonStats makes it possible to query the statistic database and create a text file with the desired information for e.g. artist rights billings systems.

      A sum of modules has been developed to enable maximum flexibility like  GVL4 (Germany) or SACEM (France) ,...
  • DB stat
    • MusiStats

      The purpose of MusiStats is to compute percentages of copyrighted music, free music, and a 3rd category (called "package"). Informative charts can be drawn by this application, e.g. for weekly reports.